
Practice Counting 1-20 + "How many candies?"

Review and practice numbers 1-20 and play "Find the candies!" + "How many candies?" by grace0103

1st set of numbers: 1-10
Review and practice the numbers then play "Find the candies!"
There are 3 candies to be found. Elicit each number chosen by the students.
2nd set of numbers: 11-20
Same instructions

I shamelessly edited grace0103's "How Many Candies?" activity to fit the needs of my students. ありがとう, Grace-san! I also adjusted the timing of how fast or slow the candies fall.

I recently used this with my special needs classes and they loved it!

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • How many candies.pptx (15.1 MB)
  • 28
    Submitted by crisxselda June 10, 2022 Estimated time: 5-10 minutes
    Inspired by How Many Candies
    1. VinShida June 13, 2022

      Nice. I like this! Is the "How many candies" banner intentionally left to obscure the candies in round one?

    2. crisxselda July 1, 2022

      @VinShida, yes! It was a great idea by grace0103.

    3. RoselleDesigns July 1, 2022

      Great activity :) My grade 1 and grade 2 students loved the game and got really excited when the falling candies sped up!

    4. crisxselda July 6, 2022

      @RoselleDesigns I'm glad your kids loved it :)

    5. apantalena December 2, 2022

      grammar check: Did you answer using candies or pieces of candy?

    6. crisxselda December 6, 2022

      Hi apantalena. We kept it simple and said "(number) candies".

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