
Apex Lootboxes - How Many? 📦

An Apex Legends themed counting game with various challenges where students must count the keyword or object on the screen. Can be used as a warmup game.

Download here:

The worksheet is optional but it is made to review "How many~?" "I have ____." (1st Grade - Unit 10 Part 3)


There are three challenges.
1. Flying Words: Count the keyword flying across the screen before they fly away. In the later questions, Valkyrie will often fly across the screen to distract you.
NOTE: I used TTTK's Swarm game and replaced the bugs with flying vehicles.
2. Gas Trap: Count the objects before Caustic uses gas trap to fog the screen.
3. Eggdogs: The very last challenge is to count how many eggdogs there are in the video.


  1. [OPTIONAL] Before you start the game, allocate some time for the students to trace over the numbers on the worksheet. If you don’t want to do this or don’t have time you can use the simplified version.
  2. When the lootbox opens up and shows the multiple choice answers, students are to write the answer down on their worksheet. NOTE: If you're not using the worksheet, have them shout out the answer together.
  3. Before revealing the answer, tell the students to repeat the question after you. (“How many~?”)
  4. They can use a red pen or pencil to correct their answer.
  5. [OPTIONAL] The bottom part of the worksheet is catered to JHS students to review irregular plural forms. The table can be found on p. 36 in the textbook. (not suitable for ES)

NOTE: Feel free to modify the game to better suit your activity/teaching style!

Submitted by unoplusunoistu January 19, 2024 Estimated time: 30 mins
  1. aggro crag January 23, 2024

    what is this?

  2. unoplusunoistu January 24, 2024

    @aggro crag I'm sorry, but what do you mean?

  3. jbjoker2 January 24, 2024

    I am not going to lie, the interaction between the two comments makes me laugh. I feel like it was supposed to be a "What game is this?" or "What is this for?" possibly? However, I am not the Crag so I am not too certain.

    Jokes aside this is a wonderful powerpoint! I actually was able to use this for my 5th grade class as something fun on the side since they are moving so fast and they loved it! Thank you for the amazing content.

  4. unoplusunoistu January 25, 2024

    @jbjoker2 Honestly same here too haha
    But I didn't really understand why since the question is quite vague...I like to think that my description explained the activity thoroughly 😅
    I'd like to know what it is so I know what I can modify or add.

    Other than that, I'm glad it went well in your class. :')

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