
Vocabulary Review

The activity is primarily used to review vocabulary that students have already learned.

Before tests or at the end of a chapter in a textbook, it's a good idea to review recent vocabulary that the students have learned.

  • "What do you like?" Relay

    A quick activity that requires no preparation. Get the students into groups and have them ask each other what they like, then race to draw it on the board.

  • Keyword Game - Social Distancing

    This is a variation of the eraser grabbing keyword game commonly played throughout Japanese schools! Its a simple variation with no prep!

  • Traffic Signs in the USA - Must/May

    A short powerpoint with a quiz to introduce Must/Must not/May by comparing driving laws in Japan vs the US.

  • Pokemon Evolution Was Were

    Use different pokemon evolutions to have the students practice "was" and "were."

  • Gimme Gimme

    An activity that has students running around to give you the item you ask for while practicing "This is / That is" and "Here you are."

  • SasadangoMan

    Alternative Hangman activity

  • Stereo Game/ Shotoku Taishi

    Group of kids speak/yell their target vocabulary while the rest of the class listens to them. The rest of the class must individually pick out who said what.

  • Goodnight Gorilla

    A story about a Gorilla freeing animals in the zoo.

  • WRITING ACTIVITY What's this/that?

    Writing activity to reinforce the target language being learned by the students. This is best used as a final activity if you have listening, speaking and reading activity prior to this activity.

  • Safe Zone

    Players try to escape to the safe areas before they are tagged.

  • Keyword Game

    Make the teachers say a keyword or phrase to get some points.

  • Flash Card Telepathy Game

    I usually use this to practice school subjects and week days

  • Take the Train Game

    Board game to practice "Change trains at _____" "Get off at ______ station." "Take the _______ line."

  • Oh No! Bingo

    A tactical bingo game where bingo is bad. Students practice speaking as well as listening.

  • First Phonics Lesson

    This game gets them to associate letters with word sounds by having students generate English words in various categories that start with specific letters.

  • Cross Out Spelling Relay

    Students take turns in teams to spell out a word the instructor calls out by crossing out a letter on their team

  • Oh No! Origami

    Students answer questions or get folded.

  • Eraser Get

    This is a quick and easy vocab review 'game' for 1st grade past tense verbs. Ideal for a quick review before doing a writing exercise.

  • Yamanote Line

    Students pound on their desks and while practicing various English target vocabulary.

  • Martin Luther King Jr Crossword

    Martin Luther King Jr Crossword

  • Rockets

    Students race to rebuild their rockets by correctly answering the AET's questions.

  • Listening Bingo

    A fun and challenging listening-based bingo game.

  • Haetataki

    'Haetataki' means 'fly-swatter' in Japanese. This is a competitive game that forces students to listen carefully while practicing both telling time and numbers in general.

  • Shiritori Race

    This activity is just like the Japanese Shiritori game where students fill-in-the-blanks with English words they know until they reach the finish point.

  • Spot the Number

    This is a number version of the game "Spot it" (also known as "Dobble")

  • Discovery Chance

    Students (in 2-person teams) take their chances to discover their opponents’ hidden spots while they’re using the appropriate target language of the day.

  • Dondake Money

    Students blindly bet money they can spell words correctly.

  • Five-by-Five

    Teams receive points based upon their ability to answer questions on a 5-by-5 grid.

  • Shiritori Circle Battle

    Students practice spelling by playing the game "Shiritori" and trying to find a word that can complete a cycle.

  • Bridge

    Students try to race across the Vocab Bridge to the opponent’s side. This game is also known as "Snake Line" or "Janken Line".

  • Go Fish

    Students walk around playing Janken and asking for target vocabulary cards.

  • May I / Could you: activity worksheet

    2 part worksheet for p28-29 of New Horizon 2.

  • Who am I? Quiz

    A three-hint-quiz type of game where students have to guess the character being described. Perfect activity for We Can! 2 Unit 3 "He is Famous. She is great."

  • T & T

    "T & T" stands for Tsunami and Typhoon, and it is a great review activity for any level students. The rules are easy and the game is as fun as the teachers and students make it.

  • Chalkboard Bingo

    Students write words in their notebooks hoping to score a bingo.

  • Vocabulary Wars

    This is a vocabulary battle that can be used with any small set of vocabulary. It is great for younger classes, but can work with any grade.

  • Categories

    Students aim to think of many words associated with a topic.

  • Exploding Sentences

    Students draw cards from a Mystery Box and practice saying the target word and example sentence.

  • Sports and Their Verbs

    A handy guide to show students why some sports use "play" and others don't. (No more "I play run"!)

  • Days and Subjects Information Gathering

    A mingler activity to practice days of the week and school subjects

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