based on the classic Jeopardy TV game show, with the same sound effects and animation. (Got this file from Slide Lizard. You can also download it there and edit (looks so much like the real game show, and with sounds too)
This file is for JHS 3年生 using One World Textbook, questions came from Lessons 4-5 (focused solely on grammar / sentence structure. No/few trivia/facts from the textbook were used.).
The file is editable - but don't copy/add new slides as that might change the animation.
Just edit the question and answer in each slide.
Lessons 4.1-3, 5.1-3
Difficulty of Questions:
200, 400 points: Translate the English sentence into a Japanese sentence
600 points: Make an English sentence using the jumbled words
800, 1000 points: Translate the Japanese sentence into an English sentence
Divide the class into groups of 3-4 people, give a whiteboard and marker, eraser per group.
Groups and members take turns in rotation, in choosing the question, and in writing the answer.
Every group tries to answer each question and teacher awards points (full and partial) depending on the answer.
On our laptops, the PPT file and the animations, sounds, links, work. But once hooked to the classroom TV, some of it don't work. The intro song, intro categories, still work, and we can press and select any question. But once a question and answer are revealed, it doesn't go back to the main menu page. So I just manually tap the exit button on our classroom TV and go back to the menu button. I also draw the menu on the blackboard so we can cross out and keep track of questions that are finished. So please make sure to test run and troubleshoot the file on your classroom TV first.
I'm sorry, I can't upload the PPT file to GDrive right now, as my memory is full. But I included the Summary of Questions and Answers, so you can make your own Jeopardy file.