I made this for the elementary school 6th grade 'Here We Go! 6' textbook unit 6 activity. But it could be used for any text book following a similar theme.
Students are learning about the interesting things in different countries with the goal of sharing this information and talking about where they wanted to go. Throughout the unit lesson I had students slowly working on a presentation. (1回目: learning country names and saying country they want to go to themselves. 2回目: leaning how to say what you can do in a certain country, and looking up what to do in the countries they want to go to. 3回目: continuation of practicing the target phrases and making the presentation. 4回目: travel agency day (i.e. giving the presentation) )
Using this presentation they've made students get into groups of 4 and split into 2 teams. The travel agent team and the customer team. The 2 agents in one group 'compete' against each other to sell tickets to the customers who come to their station. travel agents will give their presentation to the customers 1 by 1. then the customers pick which country they would like to go to. If their country was picked the travel agents sold a ticket. each ticket sold is a point which they record on their ticket sales sheet (file attached)
I set a timer for about 10 minutes, depending on class size and remaining time. When the timer is up customers return to their desks and the roles switch, customers become travel agents, and travel agents become customers.
At the end of the class I ask all the students how many points they have (or tickets they sold). The student with the most, wins the bonus money/reward (in my case a special sticker)
Not much is need really for this activity. I give out 'point/ticket sales' sheets and I have a presentation I use to really explain the activity. (file attached) FYI: In the notes of the presentation I included a more detailed step by step explanation of what's happening.
I'll give a demonstration using the a presentation I made (My example presentation attached), and I go way overboard on the salesman acting when I do so, so much it's kind of embarrassing. But it gives the students an idea of a fun way to make their presentation more interesting to customers. Because this is elementary school I made the students use only pictures and no words in their presentations. This can easily be adjusted to any difficulty level.
Due to the set up it could also be done with online students too.
Some of my students really get into it and others don't, but everyone always had fun and talked about the different things they learned.
It's also fun before announcing the sales bonus winner to have students talk about what travel agent's presentation they liked and why, or have the students reflect on the activity.
I attached all the listed materials here, but you could make your own or even not use them.
Cheers and have fun!