
EIKEN Pre-02 Speaking Test Materials

Materials to help your students pass the EIKEN Pre-2 speaking test.

My schools only have a few topic cards for the EIKEN speaking test. The files below are a compilation of resources that I found online and made myself.

EIKEN Pre-02 Speaking Test Topic Cards: This contains 20 topic cards and the script that EIKEN examiners use when they interview students. Some pictures are a little blurry, but my students are still able to use them.
EIKEN Pre-02 Practice- Passage Questions: Additional passage questions for each topic.
EIKEN Pre-02 Practice- Questions 4 and 5: Additional questions for the yes-no questions.
EIKEN Pre-02 Tips for Passing Handout: I give this to my students before we practice. It is an overview of the EIKEN speaking test with tips. There is an English and Japanese version.

Submitted by toriliz February 16, 2024 Estimated time:
  1. hasturman July 2, 2024

    Fantastic timing. My groups of kids finally passed the written section and this was exactly what I needed.

    Got them through 3 last year using some stuff from a blog. This is great. Thank you.

  2. joyceisachoice November 18, 2024

    Thank you SO MUCH for creating this for us! I found it difficult to find a lot of free resources online and THIS was the PERFECT "Starter Pack". The tip sheet was so helpful for me to know what to look for in the student when we did run throughs and for the student to know what I was grading them on.

    Also, grateful to have access to so many question cards. There were enough for us to run through ONLY the opinion type questions some days and also do a FULL run through other days, without repeating questions!

    Thank you again! I will def be using this again in the future and letting other ALTs know about it too!

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