
Tanabata Story

A drawing and writing activity about the Tanabata story.

This activity is a writing and drawing activity, but definitely for a higher level class.
- First, I give students one card of the Tanabata story each. They have to draw a simple picture based on this sentence.
- Then, collect the drawings and redistribute to the students randomly.
- Students must write a sentence based on what is happening in the picture (and their knowledge of the Tanabata story).
- Then, I check the story with them together. As I read each part, I ask students to raise their hand when I call their part of the story, and ask them to read their sentence aloud. Then we check how accurate they were in guessing which part of the story it was.

I do this activity with my SHS students and they always enjoy them every year!

Small files
  • tanabata story picture.docx (14.1 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Tanabata story.pptx (1.54 MB)
  • 3
    Submitted by ashtoneleanorjp July 3, 2024 Estimated time: 30 minutes

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