
Who am I? (2nd year JHS)

A Who am I? quiz game (on Keynotes) that uses infinitives (I like to~/I want to~).

Note: These slides are on Keynote (not PowerPoint), so you might not be able to see them if your school doesn't use Apple products.

First, I use the Doraemon slide as an example. I often try to pick a wrong answer first and then guess the right answer twice. I highlight, same answer after each hint is okay and different answer after each hint is okay. By getting 1 wrong and 2 right, I can show how they only get points for right answers, but that they get different amounts of points depending on what hint they get it right on. I also included a slide showing the points you get for correct answers, but I often found that they understood it better with the example.

Then, you can play! Give them a few seconds after each hint to think and write their answer (I usually go with ~10-20 seconds). Then move on to the next hint and they can guess again until you reveal the answer. Each slide takes about 3 minutes to get through, so the actual game takes about 15-20 minutes (short version is maybe 5-10 minutes shorter). At the end, have them add their points and consider asking them to raise their hand based on how many points they got (I usually do below 10 points, then intervals of 5).

For the rest of class, they can write their own quiz for a character (with at least one "I like to~/I want to~" sentence) and share with groups. Or you can use the alternative page to have them write "Do you like to~/want to~?" questions for you.

Small files
  • 2yr Who am I worksheet.pdf (44.8 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 2yr Who Am I?.key (4.27 MB)
  • 2
    Submitted by sagew7 July 31, 2024 Estimated time: 30 minutes

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