
Was Painted By Quiz (3rd year JHS)

A quiz game using the passive "was painted by~" grammar structure

Note: These slides are on Keynote (not PowerPoint), so you might not be able to see them if your school doesn't use Apple products.

This is a quiz focused on passive sentences like "was painted by~." Seperate the class into groups of 3-5 depending on class size before you start and have them write answers on a whiteboard or paper.

For round 1, they need to guess the item/thing that the sentence is describing (one word answers are okay). Note: you may need to change the Peter Rabbit one because that's part of the New Crown textbook, but it might not be known by most students that don't use that. For the bonus question, they can write as many answers as they can in 1-2 minutes and get points for each correct answer. For round 2, they have to fill in the blank with the correct name of the person/character who does the thing or with the c orrect version of the verb. I would have them write the whole sentence for practice, but you can just let the write the answer, too.

At the end, have them add all their points and then see which group won!

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  • 3yr Was Painted By.key (6.53 MB)
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    Submitted by sagew7 July 31, 2024 Estimated time: 30 minutes

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