News Post

Six years and 4000 activities!

Jake the Admin

April 27, 2024

The site has reached two new milestones this spring, so I thought I'd collect them into one post. First off, there are over 4000 activities on the site now. (over 4300 as I write this)

That number is pretty mind-boggling to me. As best as I could estimate, Englipedia had something in the range of about 1200 activities, and it was by far the biggest site of its type when it was active.

They aren't all home runs, of course. Some of them might not be relevant to your circumstances at all, or don't fit with your teaching style or classes. But hopefully with this volume of activities, at least a few of them will work well for you and be a hit in the classroom. And if you've come across a great idea that you wanted to share with other teachers, I hope that this is a good platform to do just that!

The site will also turn six in late April, but that isn't quite as nice of a round number as 5 or 10. Still, it’s been an eventful six years!

Feature development and my ability to react to things has slowed down a lot over the last year, so I apologize for that. I have a toddler at home now and switched jobs recently, but I probably could have made more time here and there.

One thing I hear a lot recently is that there’s a new group of Elementary School textbooks for this year. Previously I requested people to make videos of themselves flipping through the textbooks so I could add the listings myself, but I think that method isn’t going to be viable for this year and whenever the next round of Junior High textbooks come out.

I’ve started building a system where I can appoint a user (or users) to be the managers of a specific textbook for a period of time. Then they’d be able to edit the individual pages for the textbook and fix any errors. It will be a commitment from whoever volunteers to do this, but there are too many textbooks out there for any one person to be the sole maintainer of all of them.

I hope I can have this ready by the end of May or so, but it will depend on how much time I have to work on it. If you’re willing to be the maintainer for a specific textbook, I’ll make a post when it’s ready to explain how to apply.

Thanks again for all your help and support, and be back soon!

  1. scrying April 30, 2024

    Thanks a lot for keeping this thing going.

  2. Aurelio Mizukami April 30, 2024

    Congratulations, this has been a very useful teaching tool. Thank you for making our teaching lives a lot easier and more enjoyable. Cheers!

  3. genieg April 30, 2024

    Happy 6th years! There were a lot of ideas and activities here that was so helpful and so much easier to navigate. It seems like there are more activities for elementary. hopefully there will be more activities for JHS. Thank you so much!

  4. ALTresource April 30, 2024

    Congratulations! This site has been a great help to me over the years.

  5. yamcir April 30, 2024

    This is so awesome! Altopedia really has been helping me out as a CIR when I do English activities for schools.
    Thanks for keeping the site up and I hope you can continue to do so!

  6. Matthew May 1, 2024

    Here is to 6 more! Good stuff!

  7. majime May 1, 2024

    It is thanks to all of you who have been kind enough to contribute your time and efforts! It is greatly appreciated! I will never take for granted ALTopedia! Banzai!

  8. Kdel22 May 1, 2024

    Congratulations to 6 years!!

  9. Rilakkuman May 1, 2024

    Thank you for all your hard work, Jake!

  10. Josephg99 May 2, 2024

    Appreciate all the work that you do Jake and all the other volunteers. Finding this site has been a blessing and Congratulations for reaching 6 years! Im looking forward to using this site for a long time!

  11. AnthonyF May 2, 2024

    This site really helped me in my first year here in rural Japan. English level in my area was quite low, and I was inexperienced to say the least. Please keep this site going, it's valuable beyond belief. I've started to contribute myself now that I'm a capable teacher with a long list of activities under my belt.

    Keep up the great work everyone, this site is an asset to all ALTs.

  12. hannahacorn May 7, 2024

    Genuinely the BEST resource site for ALTs or anyone teaching English!! Thank you so much for keeping this thing running!!

  13. Toscan May 7, 2024

    thank you, this website is so helpful, saved my ALTing many times.

  14. msbanana May 8, 2024

    Grateful for you in making this site! As well as the teachers who have contributed here. Thank you so much for making our work easier by sharing your amazing activities!

  15. HeyItsMori May 9, 2024

    This site has helped me get through my ALT years when I was still fairly new and up until now. Thank you, Jake! And to all the contributors on this website. :)

  16. Nisemono May 16, 2024

    This site has been a godsend throughout my 5 years in Japan. Is there an official altopedia discord? I always thought that an ALT discord would be so crazy helpful but I dont know if an ALT mega discord already exists.

  17. Jimes May 17, 2024

    Congratulations for being of great importance from inception till date.

  18. ronron May 22, 2024


  19. Jessel June 13, 2024

    `Congratulations what a big help!

  20. hnnhdwn June 21, 2024

    Is there any time estimate for sections on the new elementary school textbooks?

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