Students read in the activity.
What time do you get up?
A matching game where students walk around the classroom and find the person with the matching card.
Who was eating the cookies?
A whodunnit game using past progressive. Students ask questions to find out who ate the cookies.
Students practice spelling by mixing up words and quizzing each other.
Collaborative review of New Crown 1
This is a review of the first 40 pages of NC1. A collaborative lesson where all members of each group have a role. Students need to work together to complete the task.
Review - A winner never quits
A quick and simple warm up/ review activity for New Crown, page 8 (A winner never quits)
I have played nintendo for 28 years
Students practice writing sentences using the present perfect. Then they write 3 true statements and 1 false statement about their lives. Other students must guess which is the false statement.
Are you Anpannman?
This is a simple game in which the students become a member of the Sazae-san family. The goal of the game is find the other characters and make Sazae-san's family.
Are you From DokoDoko?
Students ask each other "Are you...?" questions and collect signatures.
Mad Libs: Dolphin Tale
Students review the Dolphin Tale passage in New Crown by playing Mad Libs.
ABC Dominoes
A simple ABC game where students match upper/lowercase domino letters.
Hi, Friends 2! Review Board Game
A bright and colorful boardgame that reviews the entirety of the Hi, Friends 2 textbook.
Flashcard Baseball
Review flashcards while playing baseball with your students.
Fiddle Sticks
Students draw a stick from a cup and say the English word. The student with the most sticks at the end of the game/ end of the time limit is the winner.
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