Elementary Grade 6th Revision Quiz Game
Elementary Grade 6th Revision Year Ending Quiz Game
My Best School Memory!
It's not an activity but a slideshow and worksheet to help them memorizing the questions. Unit 7 in the textbook has answer sentences like "My best memory is ________." but...
Let's make a pizza!
An activity for "Let's try 2 unit 7".
Animals and their regions (Video quiz)
An online quiz related to Unit 5 of New Horizon 6. Elementary 6th Graders The purpose is to recall animals and their origins using ''(animals) live in the (area).''
unscramble words-Grammar 文法の練習 (New Horizon 1,2,3)
Unscramble alphabets 単語の練習 (New Horizon 1,2,3)
this activity is for the students to revise while playing on their tabs.
Revising elementary school powerpoint
just a quick revision of common grammar which they have learnt in elementary schools. It is a good start to introduce them to rearranging sentences activities in English.
JHS-1st Avengers-Pronouns + can (revision session)
short power point presentation on HE, SHE and THIS (JHS grade 1)