
Shapely Animals

Students draw animals using the shapes they are taught. This is a very easy and basic activity which teaches students to recognize shapes in animals.

Archived from Englipedia.
Originally submitted by Matt Baumgartner on Jun, 19, 2007.


  • After the students receive an A4 size piece of paper, their mission is to draw an animal using ONLY the shapes they learned that day.
  • Give the students a time limit. This is a necessity, otherwise they will spend the entire class period drawing the perfect mouse.


  • Once all the students finish drawing, have the students show the rest of the class their animal and explain the shapes they used.
  • Race to see who can draw an animal using all the shapes learned.
  • Instead of animals, have the students draw cartoon characters, monsters, friends, family, famous people, etc.


  • This activity works great as a follow-up lesson to teaching animals.
  • Keep this activity between 5-10 minutes or students may become bored.


  • Sometimes younger students have difficulty choosing an animal to draw. If this should happen, assign them an animal.
Submitted by Englipedia Archive March 27, 2019 Estimated time: 10 min

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