
Japanese Prefectures 3 Hint Quiz

A 3 hint quiz that works best for JHS and HS level English classes.

This is best used as a warmup. Every Friday, I would do three prefectures and for each hint the students would record their answer. If the students guessed the prefecture on the first hint then they would receive 3 points, 2 points for the second hint, and 1 point for the third hint.

Some of the hints can be a head scratcher/open a debate. It makes for good fun with the students and the JTE.

Sorry - there are fourteen prefectures that didn't make the cut!

Credit to PaddyJnr for their PDF with many hints and facts to choose from, it was a huge help!

P.S. I'm well aware that the slideshow theme revolves around New Year's Day lol.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Prefecture Quiz.pptx (8.36 MB)
  • 5
    Submitted by scottosensei June 28, 2024 Estimated time: Approx. 10 - 15 minutes

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