

Students watch an episode of Adventure Time and answer questions.

0. Start the lesson with a 5-10min warmup exercise.

  1. Show the PowerPoint Presentation (short explanation of the show).

  2. Show the episode.

  3. Give students the worksheet. (tell them they can answer the questions with surrounding classmates)

  4. 5 ~ 8 mins later, play the episode again.

  5. Give students a bit more time to finish answering before showing the answers.

  6. If you have extra time, make students answer the "small talk" question (speaking in pairs)

You will have to download the episode: (Adventure Time Season 2 Episode 23 Video Makers)
There may be a place somewhere where you can find it ... ;)

Also, I recommend downloading VLC media player (It's free). With it, you can add subtitles easily, and slow down the video speed. (I recommend playing it on 0.8x speed)

I included 2 subtitle files. One is in English with some "supplementary" Japanese words. (I use this one for high-level classes)
The other is all in Japanese. (for lower-level classes)
*** I translated the subtitles myself, so it may have some mistakes, but I'm fairly confident in my Japanese ability, and none of my JTEs said anything about it, so It should be ok.***

Small files
  • Adventure Time S2E23 (17.8 KB)
  • Adventure Time S2E23 (19.6 KB)
  • WS - Adventure Time.pdf (371 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • PP - ADVENTURE TIME.pptx (1.68 MB)
  • 11
    Submitted by rug_chissu July 5, 2024 Estimated time: 40 - 50 mins

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