
Go Fish (plural nouns)

A fun "Go Fish" inspired card game to practice the question "Do you have any ~~~(s)?"

This activity is largely modeled off ingoopa's Go Fish: Fridge Edition activity. I wanted to use a broader range of items and adjust the level to be suitable for JHS (1年生) students. It ended up being a very successful lesson and my students definely enjoyed themselves!

This card game is very similar to the game of Go Fish. The main difference is that students must make a set of 3 cards, instead of pairs. Each student will recieve 3 cards and the remaining cards will be put face down in the middle. Student 1 will ask a student of their choice "Do you have any ____s?" If yes, the student will answer, "Yes, I do." and hand over their card(s). If no, the student will answer, "No, I don't." and student 1 will take one card from the middle. A set of 3 matching cards is 1 point. When all the cards are in their matching sets, the player with the most sets is the winner!

Preparation: Print and cut the cards. You will need 3 of each card for one deck. I also print a black card pattern on the back. You will need to make one deck for every group (for me this was 7 decks).

Step 1) Put students in groups of 4-5 and hand one set of cards to each group.

Step 2) Use the PPT to explain the rules. I try to make my instructions somewhat interactive by asking questions like "Look! How many cards?" (3 cards) instead of just saying "Give each student 3 cards." I also get students to repeat the question after me, so that we practice the key phrase as we go. Make sure to emphasize that you can ask ANY player a question, as otherwise students will probably start playing Old Maid.

Step 3) Give students enough time to play 2-3 rounds. This usually ends up being roughly 15-20 minutes. I like to give the winners of each round a sticker as a prize.

Note: I used this activity for New Horizon 1 Unit 3 (countable and uncountable nouns). However, students do not learn the word "any" until much later in the textbook. Most students will already be familiar with "Do you have a ~~?", but "Do you have any ~~~(s)?" will likely be new for many students. Don't forget to practice the question with students before starting the activity!

PPT (you can edit it by making a copy):

Cards (you can edit them by making a copy):

Submitted by Alisha July 11, 2024 Estimated time: 20-30min

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