
This That see through the cards

An activity for students to practice using 'this is' and 'that is' along with their question forms. Students will try to see through the back of the cards, and guess what's on it.

I got this idea from my students. They were always trying to see through cards printed on paper whenever we are playing games like go fish. So I thought hey, why not make it into a real activity.

There will be 2 parts to this, feel free to adjust accordingly.
1. Played in pairs
2. Played in groups.

Every student gets one worksheet that shows all the cards.
Each pair gets 1 set of cards.

In pairs:
Students will take turns to take a card, and show the back of the card to their partner. Their partner will try to see through the card and guess what that card is.
Student A: What's this?
Student B: Is that a ....?
If correct, Student A: Yes, it is. Student B gets 1 point.
If incorrect, Student A: No, it isn't. This is a ... Student B doesn't get a point.
Students will then switch roles, until all cards are used.

In groups:
Once they are warmed up in their pairs, get them to play it in their groups.
One student will take a card, and the rest will try to guess. The first to get a correct answer gets a point.
The winner of that round will take a card next.
My classes got absolutely crazy at this point, and some forget to use the grammar points. So just keep reminding them that if they don't use the grammar points, they can't win the round.

Feel free to change up the things on the cards. I also experimented with the transparency of the pictures so that some cards are easy, while some are difficult. But my students adjusted the difficulty themselves with all sorts of things like putting it on the table, bringing the cards further away from their friends etc.

I reminded them of the difference between 'this' and 'that' as well.
I also printed a few cards, enlarged, where I used in a demo with my JTE.

Cut out the cards on page 1 of the word doc.
Give every student the worksheet on page 2.
I printed them in B&W.

Submitted by TeeRexX August 26, 2024 Estimated time: 10-20 mins (adjustable)

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