
Movie Star

Movie making activity to practice the relative pronoun "who." (Ex: He is a student who likes English.)

This is very similar to the linked activity. I added/changed a few of the roles and changed how much creativity the students have to have for the activity. Feel free to use the original version's idea for how to do the activity.


  • Worksheet (one for each student)
  • Role Slips cut out and folded in half (add more or take away some depending on class size)


  • Cut up the roles slips, fold them in half, and mix them together in a small box or bag. Depending on the class size, feel free to add or subtract how many there are. I always have more roles than students so that the last student doesn't feel like there was nothing for them to choose from. If you add more, try to make them original. I've also added the Japanese next to the roles that I think the students won't understand from just seeing the name. Check with your JTE about the roles to make sure they're okay with it (not just the Japanese, but also the roles themselves).
  • Print out the worksheet

How to Play

  1. First, review the grammar with the students. Assuming they already know the grammar, make one normal, boring sentence. For example, I wrote "I am a teacher who likes English." Check the meaning with the students. But then, explain that this sentence is boring. Tell them that today they have to be creative. Then, write a more interesting sentence. I wrote "I am a shogun who has 1567 ninjas."
  2. Next, explain that the students are movie stars. They're all actors and have an assigned role. At this point, have the JTE hand out the worksheet while you walk around and distribute roles. Have the students choose from the slips of paper.
  3. Now the students have to write a "who" sentence about what kind of character they are. They mimic the example at the top of the worksheet and write "I am a/an ~ who ~."
  4. After the students have written their sentence, they go around and ask other students "Who are you?" The students answer with their sentence and take notes in the table.
  5. After some time, the students sit down and make a movie. They choose two other actors, together with themselves, and write about a movie featuring the three of them. If you want to also force the students to write a "that (subject)" type relative pronoun sentence, you can have them write "This is a movie that has a/an ~, a/an ~, and a/an ~" as the first sentence. After, they write two sentences about the other actors. "Person A is a/an ~ who ~" and "Person B is a/an ~ who ~." After those first three lines, they write the story of the movie. If they run out of space, have them continue onto the back of the worksheet.
  6. At the end of class, collect the worksheets. If the students want more time, tell them to give it to you by the end of the day. Correct them at home or during your down time between classes. Choose two or three that are you favorite and share them at the start of the next class.

Other Notes

  • I realize that not all the roles use "who." "Giant monster" should use "that," but for the sake of this activity, just have them use "who." If it really bothers you, change the role.
  • How long you give the students to do everything is up to you. I gave them 4 minutes to write their character sentence, 10 minutes to interview, and whatever was left to write their movies.
  • Like usual, while they're writing everything, walk around and help them to be creative. If they're writing a boring sentence like "I am a musician who has money," help them make a different one. Ask them questions like "What does the musician want," "What does the musician do every day," or "How many instruments can the musician play?" Try to spur their imagination.
  • Each student's movie is individual. They don't make groups or work together on their movies.
  • Two theatre notes to help you help the students with writing: The opposite of expectations is often funny: "I am a firefighter who is scared of fire." Something unexpected happening is often funny: "They were riding a boat in the amazon river when they saw a clown swimming in the river."
  • If you want, you can give the students dictionaries during the movie writing portion. If they're having trouble during this portion, try to give them ideas. "What do they do?" "Are they friends? Enemies?" "Do they know each other?"

Stanislavski's 7 Questions

These are questions we learn in theatre class to help us develop our character. Use these questions to help your students be creative - not only with this activity, but in all activities. Don't explicitly teach it, but change the questions slightly for whatever activity and ask the students these questions when they're having trouble.
1. Who am I?
2. Where am I?
3. What time is it? (What time period is it?)
4. What do I want?
5. Why do I want it?
6. What stands in my way of getting what I want?
7. What am I willing to do to get what I want?

Small files
  • Movie Star.docx (88.6 KB)
  • 5
    Submitted by ThatOneALT November 19, 2020 Estimated time: 35 - 50 minutes
    Inspired by Movie Star

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