
Do you like...? (Find your match)

A short review for "I like~" and "Do you like~?" using writing and speaking. 1st year JHS.

Materials needed: a small strip of paper for each student.

Use the presentation to review (about 5 mins). Students will be asked to write "I like _____." The presentation shows that writing eg. "I like playing baseball" is generic and therefore students should try to make their sentences more unique eg. "I like playing baseball everyday." The final slide is an example for me and my JTE, so you'll want to change it to reflect your circumstances.

Hand out paper strips and have students write "I like ______." (5-7 mins). Try to identify students having difficulty early and offer help.

Once all students have written, gather up the papers. Model using the last slide of the presentation as example, first asking random students "Do you like~?" and having the JTE be the 'match' and answering with "Yes, I do." You can confirm by showing your JTE the paper and saying, "Is this yours?" - "Yes, it is." (Some students may answer yes I do even for papers that aren't theirs.) (2 mins.)

Then, redistribute the papers at random and have students stand up and mingle, asking one another "Do you like~?" based on their sheet of paper. Make sure to review how to ask a question based on a statement (eg. "I like sushi-ro." --> "Do you like sushi-ro?") (5 mins.)

**Remember that students shouldn't sit down until not only they've found their match but their match has found them. If they sit down early the student with their card may not find them.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Do you like.pptx (1.47 MB)
  • 4
    Submitted by barronator June 16, 2022 Estimated time: 15 - 20 mins

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