
ALT's Pencil Shop

An activity in which the homeroom teacher and ALT open a shop of classroom items so the student's can practice "Do you have a 〜?

I typically use this activity as an alternative to the Activity on page 21 in Let's Try 2 Unit 5.

Preparation: Copy the 文房具/bunbougu/ cards from the back of the Let's Try 2 book in color. Make several copies of each card (at lease 15 depending on class sizes) so that you can supply your class with the items they need. You can use the attached worksheet or use the six open cards spaces on the Let's Play of page 21.

Instruct the students to make their own 文房具 set. Distribute cards such that the homeroom teacher and ALT have different cards. By doing this, the students can practice requests and can practice listening to both "Yes, I do," and "No, I don't." Distribute common card requests: for example, give the homeroom teacher pen, eraser, calendar, marker, and give the ALT pencil, pencil sharpener, stapler, notebook, and ruler.

Set a time limit so the students have some incentive to ask quickly like 7 minutes. After the 7 minutes, have the students glue their received cards onto a worksheet or the Let's Play section of page 21.

Flow 1
Student: "Do you have a 〜?"
Teacher: "Yes, I do. Here you are."
Student: "Thank you! Goodbye"
(Teacher: You're welcome)

Flow 2
Student: "Do you have a 〜?"
Teacher: "No, I don't. Sorry."
Student: "Okay, Thank you! Goodbye"
(Teacher: You're welcome)

Submitted by nickteacher September 27, 2022 Estimated time: 10 minutes

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