
How much is

A game to practice asking about prices, and answering the question: "How much is the _____?"

This is a game I developed to practice prices with my 5th grade students. It's also useful for special needs students in junior high school.

Here's the procedure.

Practice the numbers on the numbers slide. This will help prepare students with the "___hundred" pattern.

Ask for a volunteer. Ask them "How much is the...?" Let them answer. Students should answer; "It is ____ yen." If the answer is right or wrong, the volunteer must ask "How much is the..." to a new volunteer. Students can come to the front of the classroom or they can stay in their seats.

One of my teachers really likes for the whole class to practice reading the answers before asking the question, and this really helps them with their responses. Do this to help students who might struggle.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 5th grade how much is it game.pptx (3.74 MB)
  • 33
    Submitted by JackyKillian1701 November 9, 2022 Estimated time: 10 to 15 minutes

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