
Past Progressive/Continuous Tense Kirby Kahoot

Kahoot game featuring simple sentences to practice the past continuous/progressive tense.

I made this Kahoot game for my middle school first graders. There is also a worksheet which can be used as a warm-up before the game. It is Kirby themed and the kids really enjoyed it. This lesson was used to reinforce the topic they had already learned in their other English classes. I recommend the students have at least a basic grasp on the topic before doing the activity. To incorporate speaking, I would have the class read the correct sentence aloud together.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 1年生 Past Tense Practice.docx (4.82 MB)
  • 17
    Submitted by Dylliedill December 2, 2022 Estimated time: 20-30 minutes
    1. greenteapeople January 30, 2023

      This is so cute and helpful! Thank you so much. Would it be possible to also upload an answer sheet for the worksheet?

    2. Dylliedill February 1, 2023

      Yes, absolutely! Thanks for your support :)

    3. r100505 April 15, 2024

      This was such a fun activity! We did it today and the content really went to the students.
      I will note that I changed some words on the worksheet since they weren't as familiar with words like "examinations" "crossing" - trying to focus on the grammar rather than introducing new words at the same time.

      The biggest note I will say is that my students caught on the Kahoot that most of the answers were red and it ended up being more about who was able to click it the fastest rather than learning the grammar point.
      So I made my own copy of kahoot with only the answer spots changed.

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