
Gesture Game Modals I wish I could/were/had

Fun and simple gesture game.

Preparation: cut the paper, roll them, and put them in a container/box (draw lots style)

Start by practicing sign languages students will use for the gesture game. See attached pptx.
Give students the chance to practice these sign languages for a few minutes before starting the game.
Look for a volunteer, or, if the JTE or you are confident enough to demonstrate, show them how to play the game.
Draw one paper from the box. Then, gesture the sentence. Let students guess. The volunteer has to think of his own gestures for the words that come after "I wish I were/had/could...."
Divide the class in two groups. Pick two volunteers to janken to determine which group will start the game.
Each group chooses a new volunteer each round in their group. Give each group a minute to guess the sentence. When the playing group fails to guess the sentence, give the other group a chance to guess.

Submitted by hidariessie December 8, 2022 Estimated time: 20 minutes
  1. akopoito November 28, 2023

    This is great! Thanks for sharing.

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