
Can you...(animal interview activity)

Students ask and answer questions to guess what animal their classmate is.

This is an activity I prepared to get the students talking. It takes some preparation, so have it ready at least a day before your class.

First, print off a master copy for yourself. Keep it. Hold on to it. Frame it.

Second, print off as many copies of the first sheet (the "questions sheets") as you need so each student has one.

3rd, print copies of the "yes / no / I'm a (whatever animal)" sheet. You'll cut those into half sheets and stick them into an envelope. Print off however many copies you need so that each student has an animal. A little surplus is ok.

4th, fold your half sheets and put them into envelopes. Daiso has packs of 20 to 30 envelopes for pretty cheap, so just buy those. Or ask your school for some envelopes if they can spare them. Either way, make sure you get the half sheets and envelopes back after the activity.

5th, shuffle envelopes to randomize them. Rubber band them, paper clip them, somehow keep them together so you don't lose all that hard work.

In-class procedure

1: Distribute questions sheets and envelopes. Tell students to keep the envelopes closed.

2: Demonstrate the activity with the HRT / JTE.

3: Practice asking questions and animal words with students at least twice.

4: Tell students they can open their envelopes, but they have to keep the animal a secret from their classmates. If a student guesses correctly, they can circle the animal on their question sheet and go ask someone else to see if they can circle another animal.

5: Students can use the grid for notes and as a checklist.

6: Set a timer for 10 minutes and let them have at it.

At the end of the activity, collect the half-sheets and envelopes so you can use them for future classes.

My 5th grade and 6th grade classes at elementary school really enjoyed this activity.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • 5th grade can you review activity.docx (1.28 MB)
  • 9
    Submitted by JackyKillian1701 January 6, 2023 Estimated time: 20 to 25 minutes

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