My Elementary School students really struggle with the differences between "D" and "B," as well as a few other alphabet-related struggles (forget "dog," "bog is all the rage. And who can forget "goob?"). They also have a hard time remembering Romaji spellings, like "ti" instead of "chi." In order to try to nip these problems in the bud, I made this worksheet set to put in their English files at the beginning of the year.
In addition, I am also going to have the students write their own names on their nametags, and they can decorate them as they wish as well. After they finish I plan on laminating them and adding magnets to stick to the front of their desks.
Although I made this for ES, I'm sure it'd work well for JHS 1 as well, as I know that some kids still struggle with writing at that point.
This is just a quick and easy submission, but I hope it helps someone out for beginning-of-the-year prep! :)
ETA: The font I use for the handwriting practice is called "Penmanship Print" and you can download it on DaFont or another font service website for free! It's super useful for ES-level worksheets!
Good stuff! Thanks for making it PDF by the way, I appreciate being able to view the file before downloading.
@NamikiHayden no problem at all! I like to upload things as PDFs so nothing gets messed up formatting-wise like when I keep it as a Word document, but that's an added benefit I didn't think of! :)
These are some great Worksheets! well done. I will most definately be passing out the Roma-ji one to my lower level students in the 3rd and 4th grade ES! If i could offer some feedback, I would try to keep the fonts you use consistent with the handwirtten one to prevent any confusion on which way is the corect way. For example you have the handwritten "a" in the first paper, but then it changes to the printed "a" version in the last practice page in the My name is~ section.
@Metapod good catch! I chose a different font than my usual which does have the handwritten 'a' because I wanted to bold it and my usual font (Mangal Pro) doesn't look as good bolded, but I didn't even notice that the one I switched to didn't! I'll fix that and update the PDF when I get a chance! :)
Thank you so much for this!
I used this pdf today, but noticed a few mistakes on the hiragana pdf
SE せ appears twice and no SOそ
RO also appears twice and no RUる
otherwise very useful :)
@Pezzdoctor You are absolutely right (how did I not see that? lol)! Thanks for catching that! Sad that I already handed these out, but they are fixed and updated as of now!