
Design Your Own Prom!

USA cultural activity for SHS students to design a prom for their school. Make 2 virtual posters/slides to show off!

After wracking my brain for a USA culture activity for the month of May, I remembered May (and June) is the main month for prom! So why not try to bring prom season to Japan? Students can make moodboards/collages of what they would wear to prom, what the theme of their school's prom would be, and as an option, even a poster for what friend/date they would take. As a bonus, they can even write out their own promposal!

There's no English requirement here, just make pretty Google slides and answer the questions on the worksheet with 1-2 sentences. This activity is for my English Culture class, but if you're looking for some fun Friday afternoon easy culture activity, that fulfilled my purpose pretty well.

The PowerPoint contains 3 example collages, a video of promposals, prom theme examples, and for your own personal touch, I suggest including pictures of your own prom :)

My students took 2 full classes to really perfect their slides, so you could definitely assign this as homework too. When they were done, they sent me screenshots of their work, and I compiled them into a voting game, where they had to guess which classmate made which collage.

Happy Prom!

Small files
  • Design Your Own Prom!.docx (541 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Let's Make [Your School] Prom!.pptx (30 MB)
  • 7
    Submitted by mcon17 May 26, 2023 Estimated time: 1 or 2 class periods (if you don't assign as homework)
    1. ohnoko June 12, 2023

      Ooh this is so fun! I'm JHS so it doesn't really work for my kids, but I love this concept for a culture lesson!

    2. Nikaty February 7, 2024

      This is a good idea, I teach SHS so might use this for one of my last classes later on. Thanks!

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