
Infinitives (adverbial)

From the textbook of New Horizon 2, Unit 3 page 37. You can change the character if you want or the sentences I made base on your students vocabulary.

  1. Greetings.
  2. Warm-up (It can be a song, a chants, word game, or small talk)
  3. Please open the power point, use the PPT to introduce and practice the target grammar orally. It can be all class or you can call some student to guess the picture and make a full sentence.
  4. Use the word sheet for the speaking and writing practice.
Submitted by shing June 23, 2023 Estimated time: 50 minutes.
  1. Jake the Admin June 23, 2023

    shing, please verify that your activities are usable by anyone without requiring a password. If not, I'll have to limit your ability to post activities, since users here haven't been able to use any of them with attached files.

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