
JHS Monthly English Conversation Stamp Rally

An English Board activity containing monthly conversation challenges for Junior High School students.

This is based on @RoselleDesigns 's contribution, I really liked their idea but also wanted to make it in my own style and decided to post it here as well! Here is a link to their post:

Here is a year long activity that you can put up on your English board monthly to help encourage your students to speak English outside of the classroom. It's in the form of a stamp rally, so every time a student completes the challenge for that month, you can reward them by giving them a sticker to paste on their stamp rally card.

Please make a copy of the slides to make edits:

Some of the challenges are specific to the prefecture I live in so you might have to change that! I have also included explanation texts you can cut up and put up on the board.

Good luck!

Submitted by kurisutaru February 26, 2024 Estimated time:
  1. lsuna February 28, 2024

    love this

  2. nisaa1234 February 28, 2024

    I can't thank you enough for making such a lovely slides! I want to ask if they are going to paste the stamp card on their English file? what size is it? is it in A4? I'm planning to make something like small cards like points card, it's just my suggestion. Thank you again!

  3. ChetBorneo February 28, 2024

    Great stuff. Thank you very much.

  4. dorisensei February 29, 2024

    Where did you get those stamp sticker designs? So cute! Tnx :))

  5. meatydog February 29, 2024

    this idea is so fun and very well designed! can't wait to use it next year :)

  6. kurisutaru March 1, 2024

    Hello! Thank you for the very nice comments, I used slide themes and templates from Slidesgo to make the designs, and most themes come with cute stamp-like illustrations :)

    I printed 2 stamp cards in one A4 sheet and then cut them so they were small enough to be pasted in their English files!

  7. Lena_the_Legend March 5, 2024

    Thanks so much for this. I love the design! Definitely going to use it in the New Year. Just want to let you know that November and March seem to be the same. I'll just edit myself. No problem

  8. kurisutaru March 7, 2024

    Thanks for spotting that! I've changed it slightly so it's not a repeat :)

  9. genieg March 8, 2024

    Thank you for your effort. I've been thinking something similar like this for awhile now and here it is. Love this definitely going to do this.

  10. Geavv December 4, 2024

    This is incredible! I've been trying to find ways to make the English Board more interactive and to encourage conversation with the ALT's and this is exactly what I've been looking for and it's so cute! Thank you so much, I'm so excited to use it!

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