
Liar Liar

Students draw cards of target vocabulary and make a sentence. Other students guess if they are lying or not.

Originally submitted by: Andrew P. Lynch

First teach the target language and sentence. If you are using these cards the targets are countries and famous sightseeing spots.
Explain the game to the class with some "genki" volunteers.
Have four students come to the front and get one to secretly choose a card. For example if you are teaching. "I want to go." They would draw a card with a country flag or place on it and form a sentence. Example: "I want to go to Greece."
The other student volunteers have to guess if they are lying about the card in their hand or not.
Next put the students in groups of either 4-6 students, this is important as it stops a split vote.
Place the cards facedown on the table for each group. Then one student secretly picks a card and says.
"I want to go to Australia." for example.
The other students then vote on whether they are lying or not.
If the student outwitted the other students they get to keep the card. If not, it is placed back on the table and reshuffled.
The winner is the person with the most cards at the end.


Print out multiple sets and play the classic "doubt" game.
This game can be used to practice many sentence patterns: I like, I am, I want to go, I want to see, etc..


Remember to explain that when people lie their eyes move in different ways to when they are telling the truth.


Works better if you ham it up, especially when demonstrating what a liar looks like
If using the attached cards, print them out and paste them to some cardboard, preferably the non-see-through variety.

Small files
  • Liar Liar Cards.pdf (528 KB)
  • 2
    Submitted by Englipedia Classics July 11, 2018 Estimated time: 15-20 min

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