I made this to hype my students up about making a superhero for their Unit 3 speech using "I can..." and "I can't..."
My students are a little behind in the textbook, so I thought it'd be a good way to hype them up for summer homework since this will be their summer homework... making a speech and drawing their superhero for the summer. :D
This was made to fit New Horizon textbooks, but feel free to reuse this and fix anything up to match your own needs!
Just thought I'd like to share it since I spent a bit of time on it.
Have fun!
Wow this Powerpoint animation rules! Such a fun way to use this grammar, thanks!
I'm not even sure how you managed to make PowerPoint move so smoothly like that. This is awesome, and I'll definitely be using it!
This is really incredible and the effort you put in really shines through! I know your kids must adore you!
Yes to repeat what everyone else is saying and compliment you on how well done this is.
top tier stuff!
Amazing work. Not a clue how you did this but I'm greatly appreciative of all your hardwork.
This is impressive! Thanks for sharing.
That is so cool!! Really interested in how you were able to do those animations!
Note to self - learn how to use power point over the summer vacation...
Thank you so much for the kind feedback!!
I saw a couple of comments asking how I made PPT move like this, so I'll add a note on how I did it:
I made the animations using multiple slides and having them play like animated frames using the "Advance slide after xx seconds" function under Transitions. I also used a lot of the transition "Morph" for slides that have the same items but are just moved into different parts of the slide. During the "Morph" transition, PPT will automatically move/adjust the parameters to the next "frame" slide! (I hope this helps!)
I think we all know who the real superhero is haha but honestly, amazing work! I can't even begin to wrap my head around how you can do all of this on PowerPoint (even after reading your note!). You've inspired me to up my PowerPoint game haha