First send the file to all students.
The students will enter their own information in the PowerPoint and use their tablets and the PowerPoint as a digital passport instead of a paper passport.
(Name, Last Name, Birthday etc...)
It would be interesting if they could take a picture of themselves, crop it, and past it on the passport to make it look a little more personal.
**But if taking a picture and pasting it would take too much time I would skip this step to save some time.
When you do an activity, the students will carry their tablets around the class, and when the designated custom officials ask for their passports they can show their tablets and answer the questions.
Activities could vary according to the level of each class.
You could create simple activities with students pretending to be travelers and customs.
They could ask questions like;
Your name please;
Where are you from?
Do you have a visa?
What's your destination?
Who are you visiting?
Where are you staying?
Is anybody traveling with you?
Are you here for business or pleasure?
How long are you going to stay here?
When are you going back to your country?
How much cash do you have on you?
In my opinion a digital passport would save a little bit of time. A paper passport can easily turn into an arts and crafts class in which students are cutting, writing, coloring, pasting and drawing. But with this Digital Passport idea the students only need to enter their information, add a picture and that's it, then you just need to practice the vocabulary and sentences structures with them and start the activities, hopefuly saving some time.
This idea is stil under development, but I think it would be very interesting to create a whole airport experience. Front desk, Luggage check, Passangers and Flight Attendants, Imigration, Security Check, and even calling a taxi. The biggest challenge would be to fit all these activities practices in our limited number of classes.