
Do You Like … ? Activity and Scavenger Hunt!

For this activity, a powerpoint voting game and worksheet are paired together to get the students to ask 'do you like...?' and then justify their answer by using because.

Practices ‘I like…’ and ‘because…’. for 1年生.

  1. Presentation (25-30m): Start with the ‘Do you like..’ slideshow. It’s a voting game, the students will be presented with an option and they have to pick whether they like the thing or not. Each choice has points allocated and will be revealed after the students make their decisions (make sure to ask them to raise their hands for accountability!). They will be awarded points individually and should keep track of themselves (if you want to print them a point sheet, go for it!) Link:
  2. After each round there will be a chance to win bonus points. The students have to say WHY they like or don’t like something using the phrasing ‘I like this because…/I don’t like this because…’ (i.e. I don’t like this because it is not delicious’). Feel free to take up as many volunteers as you want or cap it at around 3-4. No repeats allowed for bonus points (award any amount of points you like, I awarded 3 for grammatically correct sentences, 2 for ones with minor mistakes, 1 at discretion). Note that the timing depends on the time crunch and student engagement. Student with the highest amount of points wins a sticker!
  3. Scavenger Hunt (15m or the rest of class): Pass out scavenger hunt worksheets to students (there are 6 different masters so the students aren’t all looking at the same thing at the same time). The scavenger hunt sheet already has predetermined answers, i.e. No, I don’t like McDonald’s, and the students must get up and walk around looking for someone with the corresponding answer. If they have a matching answer, the asking student can check off the list. The students must fill in the blank completing the sentences, i.e. No, I don’t like McDonald’s because it is not delicious. The student with the most answers collected wins a sticker! Link to worksheet here: :
  4. If you end up with extra time, play a no prep game like CrissCross but make sure to use the target sentence structure, which is ‘Do you like…?’ → ‘Yes/No because…’

Links are included here but the files will be shared here too! Enjoy!

Small files
  • Do You Like Scavenger Hunt Worksheet (2).pdf (252 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Do You Like.... (4).pdf (1.7 MB)
  • 2
    Submitted by audreyonigiri August 1, 2024 Estimated time: 45-50 minutes

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