
"How many ~?" Guess Who!

A Guess Who? game to help students practice "How many~" and "How~" ! (For HWG1 World Tour 1)


  • Use the linked Google Slides to introduce the game the students. (At this point when I taught this lesson, the students didn't review "Who" yet, so I introduce the game as a "character quiz game", however you can change this if needed.)
  • Hand out the "worksheet" when the hint board is shown on the slides. If needed, please explain that this is not a bingo activity. The character board is a hint sheet and not a bingo sheet.
  • The "Let's practice!" slide is the signal to prepare for repeating sentences and words that will be used in the game. Slides 6-15 are slides with words to repeat. (During the classes I ran this activity with, I would have them repeat the question once and the other phrases twice unless there was no time (then it was everything one time).)
  • After repeating, there will be a slide saying there are many character cards. This is the point to pass out ONE character card to each student. (If you plan to have the students interview their neighbor first, please make sure not to give students sitting next to each other the same character card.)
  • Remind the students that they need to keep the character on their card a secret from the others (there is a slide to help you explain this).
  • Next, explain to the students the pre-game setup. 1st, they RPS to decide order. Winner will ask the questions 1st. When they are done with the 1st interview, they switch. Both students will have a chance to guess the other's character.
  • After this, go over the example on their worksheet by demonstrating with your JTE. (You can use the provided example on the worksheet or do a random character card if there are any leftover) Extra: -When the students finish their 1st round of interviews, you can let them walk around and find a partner to interview or have them move desks kaiten-zushi style! (Up to you and your JTE!)


Link to the Google Slides (don't forget to make a copy to your own drive so you can edit!):

Character Cards (there are 16 unique character cards, so print extra sets to match the amount of students who need cards. Ex: I printed 2 sets of cards to make 32 total cards) and Character Hint Board worksheet (the attached .pptx has the character cards and the game board!)


There are 2 characters who have the same information (Luigi and Conan) but play different sports, which is done on purpose. This is to encourage students to add extra information if the character they guess is wrong. (For example, if a student guesses Luigi first, the other student can give extra information with "I play soccer and tennis.") If this gets confusing, you can help students struggling or change it on the cards and worksheet, but my JTE liked that extra challenge for the students.

The students enjoyed this activity and the various characters they could get and find. One thing I do suggest doing if you have time is giving the character cards a construction paper backing to make sure others cant see any information on the cards (since the printer paper often shows what's on the front of the paper when looking at the back of the paper). This will help encourage students to play the game properly as well.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • worldtour how many cards plus boards.pptx (2.59 MB)
  • 6
    Submitted by momotan September 10, 2024 Estimated time: 35-40 minutes

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