I got the idea and some of the videos from the other Clock Presentation, but just made my own version of it. I used it as an introduction to the reading section on clocks and it definitely helped spark interest.
I have videos linked to several of the pictures:
Slide 3: Water
Slide 4: Stick
Slide 7: Water Clock - I ended up not showing this video in class
Slide 8: Candle Clock
Slide 9: Mechanical Clock
I made the presentation on Canva. If you want to edit it, you should be able to make your own copy.
Canva Link: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGQnrgHj8U/PlIFi9aT-s3YjEw5idC85A/edit?utm_content=DAGQnrgHj8U&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton