
New Rules JHS (You Have To/Don't Have To)

Students have taken over the school from the tyrant teachers. Now that they have control, they are establish new school rules through an election using "You Have To" or "You Don't Have To"

Activity: New Rules JHS: Pass the rules!

Students will vote on fun school rules by interviewing their classmates. The goal is to get enough "Yes" votes to pass each rule.

Materials Needed:

A worksheet with 4 pre-written rules.

Pens or pencils.

The Four Rules:

  1. You have to have a pizza party (once a month).

  2. You don’t have to go to school on Fridays.

  3. You have to have a video game club.

  4. You don’t have to do homework.

(Feel free to change them for your class needs)


  1. Choose Your Votes:
    Each student marks two rules they agree with by writing "Y" (Yes) next to them and two rules they disagree with by writing "N" (No) in the 'You' box

  2. Interview Your Classmates:
    Students walk around classroom and janken with another student. The winner says statement

Student A: "You don't have to go to school on Friday"
Student B: "No way"
Student A You have to have a pizza party
Student B "Yes I agree"
Student A "Sign please"

  1. Record Responses: Student B will write their name and mark "Y" for "yes" or "N" for "no" in the box next to their name.

Note: Have them try this in pairs with a student they are sitting next to first before having them stand up..

  1. Passing a Rule:
    To pass a rule, a student needs at least 3 out of 5 classmates to say "Yes." (You can either say this now or at the end of the activity so they stay motivated/ or just give stickers if they complete the sheet)

  2. Final Discussion:
    At the end, the class discusses which rules passed and which didn’t, based on the votes they gathered.

Bonus round.
Blind vote.

I write " Yes _______ 人 No ______人"On the board.

I tell the students to give me their honest opinion. Put their heads on the desk and close their eyes.
"You don't have to have to do homework. Yes I agree/No way"
Take count of hands raised. Have them open their eyes and see results.

I ask about 3 or 4 questions. Can be based off the worksheet or other questions you might have.

Small files
  • New Rules JHS.pdf (93.5 KB)
  • 6
    Submitted by ronron September 27, 2024 Estimated time: 15-20 Minutes
    1. eigochibi September 27, 2024

      This sounds really fun! Thank you

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