
Janken Imperatives Challenge

Janken with a partner to command them to do the sentence and practice imperatives!

(credit to wongmm and their 'I want you to OO' janken activity I took lots of inspiration from).

In this activity, there are 11 different challenges (plus space for their own ideas) for the students to do. Make sure to give the students the worksheet before you begin explaining so they can read along with you.

I ran the activity like this:
- Model each challenge with your JTE so they can see exactly what they need to do.
- Have the students repeat each challenge after you as they don't typically know words such as 'spin' or 'shout'. They learn quickly after modeling.
- Students play janken! If they win, they write a maru/circle in the box, if they lose, they write batsu/cross.
- Once they complete the 11 challenges, they can sit down or help friends who are struggling.
- Students must ask a different partner each time so to avoid bunching up within their friend groups.
- Of course, the ALT and JTE can both be involved in challenges too, make students aware of this!
- Student with the most maru wins a sticker.
- Once the students have returned to their seats, either upon enough students finishing or time running out, there is then space to write their own ideas. In my classes, I told them I would be doing any command they think of (assuming it's nothing impossible/rude/against the rules). Each student that uses an imperative correctly gets a sticker.

My students had loads of fun writing things like: only talk in Japanese, spin around 20 times (I felt ill after), be quiet, say my favourite soccer team is bad...

extra notes
It's your choice whether to make them go from challenge 1 to challenge 11, or if the students can choose challenges freely.

For number 4, 'Don't stand up' means to either find a chair to sit down on or you can crouch down.
For number 5, any variation of heart signs are ok, such as the illustration.
For number 11, 'Don't laugh' means to have a completely serious face for a period of time - the one who asks this command can make funny faces or say something silly.

Small files
  • 命令文.pdf (177 KB)
  • 2
    Submitted by JLM94 October 11, 2024 Estimated time: 15-20 minutes

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