This activity is pretty straightforward. All you need is a blank monster template to handout (I used one I found online for free, and I have uploaded it here).
First, go through the vocabulary for face and body parts, you can even start with singing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes too if you have time.
I then tell everyone, that we'll create a monster together by determining how many of each body part to draw. I had a large dice to use so I got students to come up one by one to throw the dice.
Depending on how much time you have, you can add as many body parts as you'd like. I did: eyes, nose, mouth, ears, horns, hands, tail, wings, etc.
Finally, I use the last 5 mins to get the students to come up with a name for their monster.
And that's it! Enjoy, and Happy Halloween!