
Rummy: Travel Around the World

complete a set of cards that make perfect sense. target: "I want to..." or "You can..."

The game is loosely based on a game introduced in Junior Sunshine 6 (2023?)
Lesson 5 Where do you want to go? Let's Play 2 page 62
The game play is also based on a card game called Tong-its in Filipino or I guess, Rummy in English.

The goal is for players to complete a set of three cards (a country card, an activity card, and a condition card) that makes perfect sense. The player with the most sets win the game.

A deck of cards (the file below is one set)

Ideally 3-4 players

1. Shuffle the cards and distribute 6 cards each person. Put the remaining cards face down on the desk.
2. Choose the starting player and the game goes clockwise.
3. The starting player gets one card from the pile, put a completed set on the desk if any, and discard one card.
4. The next player may get the previous player's discarded card OR from the pile, and do the same thing.
5. The game continues like this until all cards in the pile have been used up.
6. If the player runs out of cards on hand, the player should get three cards from the pile.

About completed sets: As a speaking activity, ask the students to read the set that they have made. The other players can contest if the set does or does not make any sense. For example, "I want to go to Japan. I want to see Mt. Fuji. It's amazing" versus "I want to go to Japan. I want to see Mt. Fuji. It's delicious."

Other notes:
Some students discard a card first before getting a card from the pile. It is more ideal to get a card first then discard.

The game has a bit of a learning curve but they got the hang of it after playing one round. The students like it that they ask to play it whenever they have free time.

The last page on the file is an instruction card that you can distribute to each group or player.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Rummy Travel.pdf (19.6 MB)
  • 9
    Submitted by suteppuuu December 10, 2024 Estimated time: 15 minutes

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