
Memory (Card Game)

Like the classic game memory, but with pictures and words. Pattern practice for -er comparatives.

There are 12 pairs of pictures (24 cards total).

Put the students into pairs or groups (I did groups of 4). Have them place the cards face down on their desks.
When it's their turn, the student will flip over one card and start making a sentence using the picture and words on the card.
Then, they will flip over a second card to complete that sentence.
Card 1: Dogs/cool --> "Dogs are cooler than.... "
Card 2: Cats/cool --> "cats."
Sentence: Dogs are cooler than cats.

They can only get the cards if the cards match and if they say the sentence out loud.
For example, if they get the cards (Cars/fast) and (Dogs/cool) then it's a mismatch, so they can't get the cards.

I recommend putting up an example sentence or the sentence structure in case the students need it for reference.
(_________) is/are (___er) than (__________).

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • L7G1 er comparatives memory cards.pptx (1.39 MB)
  • 5
    Submitted by wemi95 December 19, 2019 Estimated time: 10-15 minutes
    1. mikanmudcake February 2, 2021

      Thank you for a great activity! I adapted it to my area easily.

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