Activities posted by JohnTeacher

  • Dragon Wars

    someone else made this, I just added sentence cards that disappear as you click on them. If you copy and paste the cards, you can add your own content.

  • Where is Naruto? (places in town/clubs&teams)

    Touch the flag to reveal if Naruto is there or not. Group by group, Students say "I want to go to ________" in order to choose. The group that gets the most guesses right wins.

  • 中3年生 New Horizon Jeopardy game

    game based on the real life TV show Jeopardy

  • 中2年生 New Horizon Jeopardy game

    Game based on the real life TV show Jeopardy

  • 中一年生 New Horizon Jeopardy game

    Game based on the real life TV show Jeopardy

  • 一年生 Here We Go! Jeopardy game

    Game based on the real life TV show Jeopardy

  • 中2年生 Here We Go! Jeopardy game

    Game based on the TV show Jeopardy

  • 中三年生 Here We Go! Jeopardy game

    Quiz game based on the real life TV show Jeopardy.

  • Gerund Tug of War Game

    Gerund game that gets students up and moving. Two teams try to eliminate the other by reading all the cards and when they meet they do じゃんけん。 Similar to tug of war but pushing the other team back.

  • Here We Go! 一年生 Unit 2 Club Activities

    The warm-up, small talk, conclusion slides will all be the same, but the content changes per lesson. I wanted to post this for others like me who would benefit from a solo-teaching PowerPoint example.

  • Where is Naruto? (Countries)

    Touch the flag to reveal if Naruto is there or not. Group by group, Students say "I want to go to ________" in order to choose. The group that gets the most guesses right wins.

  • Christmas story & Race to the North Pole game

    An explanation of Santa Claus and Nativity story before playing a quiz game

  • Thanksgiving Culture & Sail to the New World Quiz

    The origin and food of Thanksgiving is shortly introduced before a quiz game (similar to Monster Dash & Mario Kart games on this website).