
I went there to ...

Students practice infinitive verbs by explaining why they went to different places.

I should note right away that I made this activity for students living in Nagano prefecture. If you're outside of Nagano, you might want to change the activity to the place where your students live - unless you're reasonably sure that they've all been to Nagano!

I start off by asking the JTE "Have you been to Matsumoto?" since that's a fairly well-traveled destination in Nagano. When they say "yes," I ask "Why did you go there?" with the goal of fishing out an answer like "I went there to go shopping." I ask the JTE about several other places in Nagano and write their answers on the blackboard to illustrate the grammar point. After checking to make sure the students understand what's written, I pass out the paper and ask the students to write their own examples. "Go shopping" is a good example to bring up ahead of time since a lot of students have probably been to malls or other places with their families.

Once most of the students have written out three examples, I have them ask each other about where they've traveled to. They can ask about anywhere, not just the places they've written down. In my school, "Have you ever been to ___?" isn't covered until after the infinitive verb, but the phrase should be fairly intuitive so you can just explain it quickly. If we have enough time at the end of the activity, I ask the students to write out what their friends said on the back.

If you're changing the location, remember to replace the map and the sentence at the beginning. "Please choose three places in ________."

Submitted by Jake W November 20, 2018 Estimated time: 20-40 minutes
  1. SeamusSensei June 14, 2021

    Thank you for this worksheet! I changed the initial question to "Did you go to _______ before?" Since the students haven't learned "Have you been to" yet.

  2. Jake W June 14, 2021

    That sounds like a good way to practice past tense! This is the kind of activity that I try and do as much as possible, where it amounts to a lot of conversation starters based on a theme.

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