
Travel the World

Students decide on a country they want to visit and why they want to visit it. Practices the "want to" and "to (reason)" grammars.


  • Countries Powerpoint
  • Worksheet (one copy per student)

How I did the Activity

  1. Do a quick demonstration with the JTE to introduce the idea. Ask each other where they want to go and why do they want to go there. Feel free to name places not in the powerpoint.
  2. Show the powerpoint to the students. You can click on any of the country names to go to its slide. Each slide has four things you can do there (the reasons for going there). Tell the students a little about each action if you think they need some extra context. It doesn't have to be anything complex, and some of them are pretty self-explanatory. The foods and souvenirs are usually the ones you need to explain the most. Once you've finished that country, click the "back" button to return to the world map slide.
  3. After the short presentation, return to the world map screen then hand out the worksheet to the students. Have them write two sentences about their travels. I had them write them in the form of "I want to go to ~ to ~." They can choose two different places or write about the same place twice. They can also choose places not in the presentation if they already have an idea of where they want to go. For example, a few of my students love BTS, so they wrote "I want to go to Korea to meet BTS."
  4. Leave your laptop at the front of the class and let the students use it if they want to check one of the countries again. It's easy to navigate the powerpoint, so the students should be able to handle it on their own.
  5. Once the students are finished writing their sentences, they interview other students about their trip. They take notes about their interviews in the box. I had them follow this pattern: Person A: Where do you want to go? Person B: I want to go to ~. Person A: Why do you want to go there/name of place? Person B: I want to go to ~ to ~. (then they switch and Person B asks Person A the questions)
  6. After the students have filled out their box, they sit back down and write sentences about the people they interviewed. "Person A wants to go to ~ to ~."
  7. After they've written most or all of their sentences, have a few students read one of their sentences to the class.

Other Notes

  • Feel free to change any of the countries or change the contents of that country. Obviously, you should include your home and put in stuff that you think would be a good reason to go there. I also apologize if any of my choices for your country were inappropriate or insulting. Please let me know if that's the case.
  • If you leave your laptop at the front for the whole class, the students can always use it to check spelling. I recommend leaving the computer connected to the projector so that everyone in the class can see it at once. Otherwise, you'll get a line of students who all want to look at the same location and it wastes time.
  • If you haven't taught the grammar yet, you should obviously introduce it before starting the activity.
  • It's best if you do a little bit of research about all the countries so that you can answer the student's questions. I think knowing what each food is and what any souvenirs are is important. Those are the ones that students will ask questions about the most.
  • I included Hawaii and the United States because I'm from Hawaii.
Small files
  • Traveling the World.docx (202 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Traveling World Map Pictures.pptx (6.02 MB)
  • 44
    Submitted by ThatOneALT June 17, 2021 Estimated time: 50 minutes
    1. mikanmudcake June 21, 2021

      Thanks for the quiz! I used it in class but got the students to each vote twice for their preferred destination. We tallied the votes and looked at the top 5 countries where the students then wrote their chosen sentence. I modified some of the pics such as the "buy" in Italy to a a Gucci bag because they're all wild about that stuff.

    2. akopoito July 5, 2023

      Thanks so much for sharing. This is a life saver.

    3. Samu T June 6, 2024

      Top Notch....nice work

    4. JAMIB July 5, 2024

      Traveling World Map Pictures really helped me a lot and my JTE also liked it. I just modified the worksheet. Thanks a lot.

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