
LGBT+ Flags Presentation Activity

Presentation activity for students to learn LGBT+ acronym and about Pride Month.

This activity is made to be a reading activity. Students will read about pride flags to present to the rest of the class. Print reading packets and presentation sheets for each group.

  1. Demonstrate to students how flags can represent different groups of people. Show them a few flags of different countries, then an organization flag such as the UN flag, the Olympics flag or the Hanshin Tigers flag.

  2. Then, show the students the Rainbow Pride flag. Ask them if they have ever seen the flag and who its for. Afterwards, I explain what Pride month is and tell students we will be learning about LGBT+ pride flags.

  3. Assign students into groups. Lunch groups will do fine. Give each group a flag reading packet, presentation sheet and assigned flag. Every group should have a reader, a writer/drawer, and a speaker. The reader must read the paragraph in the packet to the writer/drawer. The writer/drawer fills in the blanks of the presentation sheet and draws the flag. The speaker gives a presentation to the class at the end.

Note: First year students may have not covered some of the grammar points used in this packet. This can be a good lesson in using context clues to find the answers.

Submitted by JellyJ June 28, 2021 Estimated time: 30 mins
  1. OdafromTaijima June 29, 2021

    I think its great that you are talking about this in your class.
    I would recommend adding the progress pride flag, asexual and nonbinary flags. Ive never seen the ally flag before, so thats neat?
    If you wanted to include another line to each flag you could mention famous people who identify with them.

  2. JellyJ June 29, 2021

    Editing the blurbs for the other flags at the moment. Gonna reupload once I'm done with them.
    Adding a line about famous people is a good idea though! I'll try to add that in too. Thank you.

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