
Which do you want to be?

A simple presentation comparing two jobs.

I used this to review the subjects and the sentences, "What do you want to study?" and "I want to study ________."
We explained to students that based on the presented information, choose one profession regardless of what they really want to be in the future. This was also used to introduce the sentence, "I want to be a/an _

The salary is the average monthly wage that I found from various sources. Please feel free to fact check yourself. It's very interesting to see how kids were temporarily influenced by the salary of each job but eventually chose what they thought was more fun and fulfilling for them.

The last slide can also be used to introduce the game, "Find Your Boss". I got the idea from an activity posted here and my JTE and I tweaked it a little bit to better suit our students and target language.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Which do you want to be.pptx (17 MB)
  • 5
    Submitted by crisxselda July 12, 2021 Estimated time: 5-10 minutes
    1. yellowbird June 30, 2023

      what exactly does find your boss mean? i really wouldve liked to use this game, but from the contents it could mean a pleather of things and I dont really know what to choose. haha your rendition is fine if you dont mind sharing! or anyone elses who used this game.

    2. crisxselda July 3, 2023

      Hello @yellowbird. "Find Your Boss" is like speed dating but for bosses and job seekers. What we did was divide the class into two groups. Half are the job seekers and the other half are the bosses (they will remain seated to reduce chaos). Job seekers will walk around the bosses' area and when they reach one boss' desk, the boss will ask them the question, "What do you want to be?" the job seeker will then answer, "I want to be~(what's on their card)." If the boss and job seeker's cards match, the boss may say, "Yes!" or "You're hired!" (depending on your students' level). Once job seekers find their match, they'll then be allowed to sit down, relax, and enjoy employment. I usually give them about 3 minutes to find their matches before they switch roles. I hope your students enjoy this activity as much as we did.

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