
Halloween Quiz

8 question quiz worksheet about Halloween in America

This is an 8 question Halloween quiz that I originally made for JHS 3rd graders back in 2019. This could be used for 1st and 2nd years with some adjustments and probably elementary as well.

The questions each have a Japanese translation, but please be aware that the translation isn't direct because I tried to ask the English questions with familiar grammar patterns. I left out certain details just for simplicity's sake which I will detail below. I usually explain these points as I give the quiz or after we check the answers. Also, I've updated with some data for this year although I think the numbers from 2019 are more accurate in general since I'm sure Halloween celebrations were affected in 2020 and thereafter...

Some simplifications that you might want to explain to the students...
2. This percentage of people who will buy candy is actually of the 70% of Americans who will celebrate (the answer to question 1).
3. If you want to make this number into yen, add two zeros to the end for a very rough estimate.
5. This actually isn't the number of pumpkins sold. The records all seem to be by weight and since I think people have trouble imagining how many pumpkins 1.5 billion pounds actually is, I substituted the weight answer with the number of people who plan to buy pumpkins this year (under the assumption that they buy one each which is not likely to happen... so this number is probably smaller than the actual amount but I think rather than complete accuracy it is more important that it's easier to get an idea of how many pumpkins are bought).
7. When I've done this before the kids find it weird how it's a "girl's" costume which is the most popular but speaking from personal experience, as a kid I was a witch for Halloween like 5 different times so I think that might be why it is labeled as the most popular.
8. Most of the kids don't know what candy corn, Reese's, or M&M's are. I usually show a picture of the candy and explain what they're made of. They're usually surprised Kit kats aren't the most popular though.

I think that's it! Please modify as you see fit!

Small files
  • Halloween Quiz.docx (284 KB)
  • 10
    Submitted by altirasuto October 13, 2021 Estimated time: 15-20 min
    1. UonumaRobert October 13, 2021

      So 25% of the Americans buying halloween candy just buy it for themselves? Makes sense, Reese Peanut Butter Cups are too good to share.

    2. kiboper September 21, 2023

      This is awesome .Thanks

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