
Days of the Week Flashcards

Flashcards of the days of the week with pictures. There are versions with and without translations and/or katakana pronunciation.

Flashcards of the days of the week with pictures. There are versions with and without translations and/or katakana pronunciation.

Side note: Irasutoya is wonderful and royalty free!

Small files
  • Days of the week (964 KB)
  • Days of the week flashcards.pdf (316 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Days of the week flashcards no katakana.pdf (11 MB)
  • Days of the week flashcards English only.pdf (10.9 MB)
  • 18
    Submitted by AsakawaSune May 31, 2022 Estimated time:
    1. VinShida June 9, 2022

      I like the yomikata cards. It'll help the kids get used to saying the words albeit in katakana English, but it's a start. Some of my kids are struggling with the pronunciations.

      I wanted to point out that the "English only" cards are NOT English only. There are still Kanji on the cards that the kids can use to "cheat" so they won't read the English.

    2. Lorna662 June 24, 2022

      Thank you for making these!! I have been using them with my Grade 4 and the katakana has really helped them differentiate between Tuesday/Thursday and Saturday/Sunday.

    3. AsakawaSune June 27, 2022

      Happy to help!

    4. Tokushii May 24, 2023

      Thanks for sharing they look great!

    5. theasensei21 December 6, 2024

      Can you upload the Editable version of this? Like Word or PPT. It would be really helpful. Thank you!

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