
Job Karuta

This one can be used with NH8 Unit 3, specifically around P 51, which has the list of all the jobs.

Preparation: Print the cards out on 200 gram paper (cardstock) and cut them. You need one deck for each group.

Divide your class into groups of 4 (ideally but can be bigger or smaller) and have them push their desks into a block. Spread the cards face up evenly between all the students.

Extra Step: Write the job names on the back of each card in marker (or if I ever type the backs into the word doc, I'll update). The cards have a few more jobs than listed on NH8 P 51, so give them one minute or so to flip over whatever cards they don't know and see what it's called.

Game: JET and ALT can take turns just calling out the job name and the students must race to grab the correct card. You can make a rule that if they grab the wrong card, they have to sit out the next round/turn.

The student with the most cards wins. Towards the end, it gets really competitive, so make them put their hands behind their heads before you call out the job.

One game usually, takes about 20 minutes, but if you have extra time or if you play again in another lesson, you can have them change seats according to how they did and have a winners table and match them up according to how well they played. This gives the slower students more of a chance (against other slower ones) and more competition for the fast.

This style game can also be played when learning verb tenses. Simply type the bare infinitives (base form of verb) into the cards and then when you call it out, use the target tense (simple past or past participle). You can also do that vice versa= target tense into the cards and call out the bare infinitives.

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • job karuta.docx (6.97 MB)
  • 3
    Submitted by ShiraSafar July 8, 2022 Estimated time: 20 minutes

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