
Is this English? Pt. 1 & 2

10 T/F question powerpoint on wasei-eigo/ gairaigo

Made upon my JTE's request for a quick warm-up. Could be used with just about any age group- although probably 5th grade and up is best.
There are a lot of words which students think are English but are not, and of course, some which are (provided you pronounce them the English way). The English used is American English, so please change as you see fit!

Words included:
1. ワイシャツ (dress shirt)
2. ワンピース (dress)
3. ブレザー (blazer)
4. ハイタッチ (high five)
5. カラオケ (karaoke)
6. マンション (apartment (complex))
7. ロープウェイ (ropeway)
8. サイン (signature/ autograph)
9. シール (sticker)
10. レントゲン (x-ray)

Made a second upon request.
Words included:
1. バンパー (bumper)
2. アルバイト (part-time job)
3. コンピューター (computer)
4. ノートパソコン (laptop)
5. ホッチキス (stapler)
6. ホームパーティー (house party)
7. バター (butter)
8. エレベーター (elevator) <-- my students were curious about escalator at this point, so maybe bring that up, too!
9. ドンマイ (No worries/ no problem/ don't worry about it/ no sweat, etc.)
10. シュークリーム (cream puff) <-- good opportunity to tell them, "Don't say, 'My favorite food is shoe cream.'"
11. ウーパールーパー (axolotl) <-- a lot of my schools have them as class pets so I included it (and the Pokemon Wooper since its name comes from the Japanese word for axolotl. None of the kids recognized Wooper so I guess that age has passed, oops) (another cool thing is axolotl isn't exactly English- it's from the Aztecan language Nahuatl)

Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • Is this Eigo TF.pptx (3.02 MB)
  • Is this Eigo TF 2.pptx (2.5 MB)
  • 16
    Submitted by altirasuto September 5, 2022 Estimated time:
    1. HTemple September 9, 2022

      I appreciate that you pointed out what a mansion really is! I like this activity as I've recently discovered T/F quizzes are more enjoyable for my classes than I would have thought! I have a suggestion that I will probably add if I use this. It could be pointed out that サイン comes from the English verb, 'sign'. (At least I think it is)

    2. AsakawaSune September 9, 2022

      This looks like a fun way to start or end a lesson!

    3. altirasuto October 24, 2022

      Added a part two for those who may be interested. :)

    4. Vissen42 April 5, 2024

      Thank you for this activity!

      I might just point out that アルバイト is from the German "Arbeit" and that シュークリーム is from the French "chou à la crème". So they are 外来語, just not from English.

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