You will need to bring origami paper. one for each student plus a few spare and one for you to demonstrate along with the video.
Presentation- encourage discussion about differences between how cultures celebrate valentines. This presentation talks about traditions in Colombia but can be swapped out or added to.
get students to shout out the degrees of liking using the love metre- 10 mins
Students follow Origami heart video - 5-10 mins
Instruct students to write a general nice message english/japanese on the inside of heart - 10 mins
Collect hearts in bag, mix and redistribute using lucky dip.
Ask students to read out their messages - 10 mins
Thi si great stuff! Though I dont thnk the instrucitonal video is working. It as been transformed into a static image for me. I found the same video used though.
Thank you for letting me know the video isn`t working! for reference this is the video I used