
I Always/Usually/Sometimes/Never... Board Game

Easy board game to help practice using frequency words.

Played with my 5nensei class to practice pg. 76 of NH5.

Materials (per group)
-one board game
-one frequency die
-one regular die

Print and prepare the board games and dice before hand. I used A4 for the dice, and A3 for the boards. Make groups of 3-4 to play. If needed, review the vocab on the board to make sure students understand everything. I had students use erasers for the game pieces.

Students janken to decide order. On their turn, they roll the regular die and move that number of spaces. Then they roll the paper frequency die. Using the word they roll and the spot on the board, the students have to make an I always/usually/sometimes/never sentence, or with their choice if they roll 自分の答え. First person to the finish wins.

It's pretty simple gameplay, and the board isn't very long, but its good speaking practice and my students would have a good laugh when someone would roll something like I never brush my teeth.

The board game and dice were made with canva so unfortunately I do not have a document to share that can be edited.

I hope you enjoy!!

Small files
  • FrequencyDice.pdf (32.2 KB)
  • Medium files (requires an account to download) -
  • I always_usually_sometimes_never boardgame.pdf (3.46 MB)
  • 47
    Submitted by hnnhdwn February 2, 2023 Estimated time: 10-15 minutes
    1. Bonjure289 February 2, 2023

      This is very nicely made! I will give it a try in my class, thank you!

    2. Mullberry February 2, 2023

      This is great! I just Finshed this part of the unit but I will save this for next year and it give me a idea to make my own for next year.

    3. hnnhdwn February 3, 2023

      Hi there! Unfortunately canva will only allow downloads as pdf and image formats, so I can't post an editable version. Sorry about that!!

    4. fukutanisan February 9, 2023

      THIS IS AWESOME! I will convert this to a jpg and use it on Jamboard, save the trees!!!!
      Thanks for the activity!! :D

    5. Grace Quinsaat February 10, 2023

      Thank you for sharing this activity! It's awesome.

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